There are several ways to obtain case information:
Voice Case Information System (VCIS)
VCIS is a free service that allows callers to access case information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any touch-tone telephone. VCIS can be accessed by calling 1-866-222-8029. Just follow the voice instructions provided. Click here to see more detailed information on using VCIS.
Internet Access
Electronic case information and documents may be retrieved using a computer on the internet, via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records web site (PACER). For registration information, please call the PACER Service Center at (800) 676-6856 or go to their web site at Registered agencies or individuals can access the PACER system for the District of Arizona at There is also a national U.S. Party/Case Index available at A fee of $.10 per page will be assessed.
In Person
Public access computers are available for use, at no charge, in the Records Section of Clerk's Office. Bankruptcy documents may be viewed in person or retrieved for printing or copying. There is a per page fee for printing and copy services.