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Pro Bono Honor Roll

Recognition of Pro Bono Volunteers
in the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Arizona

In honor of National Celebrate Pro Bono week, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona recognizes the exceptional commitment and efforts of bankruptcy attorneys and their staff in our district who assist self-represented parties.  The District of Arizona has one of the highest self-represented filing rates in the nation. Pro bono volunteers help those debtors and creditors navigate through the complicated bankruptcy system. These attorneys greatly benefit the Court and all its litigants. 
This is the Court’s twelth year recognizing bankruptcy attorneys who give back to the community. The pro bono services recognized this year include volunteer commitment to one or more of the following programs: Bankruptcy Court Pro Bono Panel (consultation and representation in adversaries and contested matters); Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center; Friends of the Court Reaffirmation Programs; Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Step Up to Justice and Community Legal Services Volunteer Lawyer debt advice clinic and direct representation of low-income Chapter 7 debtors.  The Court thanks each and every one of the following volunteers for their continued support in assisting self-represented parties in our district1.


 United States Bankruptcy Judges, District of Arizona

1The Honor Roll lists will be updated annually during National Celebrate Pro Bono week. If you wish to volunteer for a pro bono program, please contact Tami Johnson, Pro Se Law Clerk, at

2023 Honor Roll of Pro Bono Volunteers

Bankruptcy Court Pro Bono Panel

Krystal Ahart
Katherine Anderson
Grant Cartwright
Jody Corrales
Rob Charles
Tracy Essig
Nathan Finch
Byron Forrester
Carey Forrester
Andrew Haynes
Scott Hyder
April Maxwell
Eric Moats
Kenneth Neeley
Brad Pack
Jill Perrella
Fred Petersen
Isaac Rothschild
Warren Stapleton
Gary Stickell
Celeste del Tabares


Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center


Krystal Ahart
Katherine Anderson
Diane Drain
Scott Hyder
Mark Lischwe
Claudia Lopez
Jacque Rambo
Carlene Simmons
Gary Stickell
Shawn Stone
R.J. Sunkin
Carolyn Tatkin


Jody Corrales
David Hindman
Henry Jacobs
Jill Perrella 
Fred Petersen
Isaac Rothschild 

Dan Rylander
Lisa Thompson
Alex Winkelman


Friends of the Court Reaffirmation Program


Tucson - Volunteer Lawyers Program / Southern Arizona Legal Aid


Rob Charles
Jody Corrales
Henry Jacobs
Fred Petersen
Isaac Rothschild


Direct Representation in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cases to Assist Working Poor Families

Phoenix - Volunteer Lawyer Program / Community Legal Services

Thomas Allen
Diane Drain
Joann Falgout
James Gaudiosi
Scott Goldberg
D. Lamar Hawkins
Michael A. Jones
Joshua Blake Mayes
Liz Nguyen
Robert Teague

Tucson - Volunteer Lawyer Program / Southern Arizona Legal Aid

Isaac Rothschild
Lisa Thompson

Tucson - Step Up to Justice Pro Bono Law Center

Caleb Brown
Rob Charles
Jody Corrales
Michael McGrath


Consumer Debt Advice Clinics

Phoenix - Volunteer Lawyer Program/Community Legal Services

Nancy Anger
Roger Brodman
Harold Campbell III
Michael Coopersmith
T. Romy Drysdale
David Wm Engelman
Tracy Essig
Corey Feltre
Jillian Hindo
Brant Hodyno
Betty Hum
Cody Jess
Michael A. Jones
James Kahn
Ryan McBride
Tom Moring
Ross Mumme
David Ouimette
Alan Pedersen-Giles
Donald Powell 
Misbah Rashid
Scott Uthe

Tucson - Volunteer Lawyers Program/Southern Arizona Legal Aid

Jill Perrella
Steve Simon

Tucson - Step Up to Justice Pro Bono Law Center

Caleb Brown
Rob Charles
Jody Corrales
Steve Cox
Richard Davis
David Hindman
Steve Itkin
Michael McGrath
Fred Petersen
John Richardson
Isaac Rothschild
Nathan Rothschild
Dan Rylander
Bern Velasco 
Alex Winkelman